Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Sometimes I feel like college is a lot like high school. I also have come to realize that high school never ends. Whether it be at work or school. If you work with a bunch of teenagers that is another story. There is such sexist language coming from a lot different groups in the tc. It is not just the freshman. Recently there was someone that I decided that I wanted to get to know better. I was looking for a potential friend. Well, a couple of guys from his major came up and told me of the words that he uses when he is "checking" women out. This guy compares them to a piece of meat none the less. Normally I would not have believed it, but out of the two people that told me, I knew there was one that is a terrible liar. He couldn't lie even he wanted to. Anyway that ended up not bothering me as much as it should have. I just chalked it up to him being a young freshman, who still has a lot to learn. When I am around the same area as him, I often wait for him to slip up so I can correct him. Then again I do not hangout with him too often anymore. I also had another recent moment with a transfer student. He was sitting with some of my friends, and he thought it was a good to rate women. He asked if he could have a "woman's point of view." I straight up told him that I am not straight. I said I admire both genders. This was when he decided that he thought I was more suited as being gay. With my own sexuality, I realize that many people think that is something very personal. I do not see the big deal for me personally. If someone is going to judge me for who I romantically right.... That is not my problem. Anyway he proceeded to judge women... Sexualizing each and every part of their bodies. These women did not have any clue what was going on. Some would be flattered, and other's would not be so flattered. He was saying a lot of demeaning things about their bodies, and he did not see anything wrong with that. It isn't like they came out of their rooms and thought "Who is going to objectify me today?" My only question is... Male or female, why is it ok to objectify anyone?

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