Saturday, May 2, 2015

dating- getting ready for first dates

First dates can be hard on your nerves. As a millennial the way we date is through online most of the time. Sometimes meeting online is great, but meeting in person for the first time can really make you nervous. Sure you have been talking for a couple of weeks, and you two seem like you have a lot in common. The first meeting can always be a little awkward. As a female you try to look super cute, and get ready way too early. Then you decide to change your necklace a dozen times before deciding that you want to keep it. You then put way too much of that perfume that your mom gave you, just because it is the only thing that does not smell like cheap Walmart crap that you got at Christmas. Normally you put too much on because you know by the time you get there that it won't be as strong anymore. No worries about smelling like a cheap whore. Before putting on your makeup you realize that your eyebrows almost remind you of your ex's one eyebrow. So at that point you self wax them. They bleed a little bit, but in the end they look nice. Now comes to the makeup. You know that you have freckles, and you hate them. That it where you put too much makeup on in trying to cover them. The most important thing that you remember is to make your eyes pop. Your eyes after all is where you want the person to look at. They are the mirror to your soul. Who doesn't want someone to stare into your soul. Just be sure not to give said person crazy eyes. Now the only thing you have to do is wait to leave, then drive almost an hour. Just remember that dream you had of Mr. Myagi the night before. It is not going to happen. You will be fine, and everything will go alright.

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